town hall 8 (th8) Farming/Trophy Base W/COPY LINK – 2024: The resource storage’s that need to be protected are at the middle of the base, usually protected by the strongest defenses and the Clan
Castle. Other resource storages are evenly dispersed among the main
compartments and in other compartments to ensure that you do not lose all of
them at once.
Because we want to save that stars and the Attack building as much as possible, the
town hall is strongly fortified in the center of the base with all of our
defenses. At th8, our most vital defenses are the wizard tower, mortar, and
air defense. While our air defense deals with balloons and dragons, the
wizard tower will assist in combating balloons and giants. As a result, they
are stationed in an area where they are well sheltered and their range
covers the majority of the Area to defend.
Th8 War Defense Base – 2024 Copy link