Top Builder Hall 7 Base Designs: Copy Link Included

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Top Builder Hall 7 Base Designs: Copy Link Included

Reaching Builder Hall 7 (BH7) in Clash of Clans brings new challenges, and having the best base design is key to defending against powerful attack strategies. Top BH7 base designs focus on a strong combination of defense placement, strategic compartmentalization, and well-positioned traps to minimize damage and increase your chances of winning versus battles.

A solid BH7 base design centers the Builder Hall, surrounded by heavy defenses such as the Roaster, Multi Mortar, and Crushers. These defenses are vital for handling swarms of ground troops like Raged Barbarians, Boxer Giants, and even Night Witches. The goal is to cover as much of the base as possible with these defenses, ensuring they can target troops from all sides. Walls should be used to create compartments that force attackers to take longer routes and encounter traps along the way.

Traps such as Spring Traps, Push Traps, and Mega Mines should be placed where enemy troops are most likely to funnel, weakening them before they reach the core defenses. For air attacks, proper placement of Air Bombs and the Guard Post will help defend against Beta Minions and other air units.

With these top BH7 base designs, you can expect a stronger defense and a higher chance of success in versus battles. Copy links are included, allowing you to easily implement these proven layouts into your gameplay for 2024.

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